The extra for TK insured

Our outpatient plans

Choose your all-inclusive package 

  • Outpatient plan as an all-inclusive package 
  • Glasses, dentures, and alternative practitioner services 
  • Worldwide protection for trips abroad up to 6 weeks
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  3. Outpatient Prevention


The Envivas outpatient plans are like all-inclusive packages with essential services.

All-inclusive package

Co-payments of up to 280 € per year for hospital  
dentures, dental crowns, and inlays, 
insured abroad
visual aids


Special preventive services

Two attractive plans


Interested in purchasing Outpatient prevention?

If you are interested in taking out insurance online, please visit our german website .

Tips for english speakers: 
Should you require assistance with our german application form, consider using a browser translation extension. This tool adds a convenient translate button to your browser toolbar. Simply click the translate icon to convert the content of the page into english. If you have any questions or need further assistance, we're just a phone call away. Please feel free to contact us at our german office on 0221 - 27 14 05 70. We're here to help!


Choose our basic package and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Visual aids (glasses and contact lenses)
  • Alternative practitioners and prescribed medicines
  • Hospital co-payments of up to 280 € per year
  • Up to 40 % co-payment for dentures, dental crowns, and inlays (from the 6th insurance year without annual financial limit)
  • Worldwide protection when travelling abroad
Calculate your premium and sign up on our german product page


With PraxisTop, you receive the premium package that includes all benefits of PraxisExtra and additionally provides higher reimbursements for dental care as well as preventive services.

  • Visual aids (glasses and contact lenses)
  • Alternative practitioners and prescribed medicines
  • Hospital co-payments of up to 280 € per year
  • Up to 50 % of the invoice amount for dentures, dental crowns, and inlays (from the 6th insurance year without annual financial limit)
  • Worldwide protection for international travel

Preventive examinations (IGeL):

  • Cancer screening
  • Additional preventive check-ups for children and teenagers
  • Extra diagnostics during pregnancy
  • General preventive exams such as stroke and cognitive function checks
Calculate your premium and sign up on our German product page

Envivas benefits

Are you insured with TK? Take advantage of our supplementary insurance – affordable and tailored to you and your life circumstances.

Tailored plans

The extra for TK insured

Outstanding benefits

with price advantages for TK insured

Excellent customer service

95 % of our customers rate us positively